Americký buldok ~ LORETOVIC KVÍTKO ~ chovatelská stanice Amerických buldoků

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Breeding station of American bulldogs

Welcome on our internet sites. We`d like to introduce "The American Bulldog" to you and also support some information about our breeding to you.


It`s very old breed, which was esteemed as an extinct specie for some time. Essentially this is an original bulldog and a predecessor of the whole line of modern and popular breeds.


It is very muscular dog, from middle to bigger size, with massive head related to dog`s size. Priority is given to a prognathism (lenght of lower jaw exceedes the upper one). Body is massive, wide, thorax is deep and large. American bulldog is very fast on short distances, extraordinary quick and dexterous. Even if it seems to be a very powerful dog, it`s physique is definitely functional and any of it`s signs aren`t exaggeratedly represented. It`s healthy, powerful, strong and ballanced dog; heavyweight between middle big breeds. For his power the colour was never important, that`s why there`s no stress on marking. The colour to a large extent depends on dog`s master. But most seen is pure white or white with signs, there are some dogs with a full-coloured fur. Some American bulldogs are heavyset the others are lighter, athletical shown. Heads of some American bulldogs are very wide with short and wide mouth. Head of other dogs is middle wide with longer and lighter mouth. American bulldog isn`t so aggressive against another dogs, as some other big breeds, But their behavior points to some kind of dominance. Even that, American bulldogs are good controllable and they`re great partners for the whole family. Don`t forget, that these dogs were originally used for work, and that`s why they are quite active and they need wise activity, where they can get rid of their energy.

Breeding in Czech Rep.

American bulldog is not a breed appreciated by FCI, even in his homeland is not appreciated by AKC. That`s why he belongs to national breed in Czech Republic - that are these ones, which are not internationally accepted. This also brings some kind of limitation. First litter of American bulldogs was written into breed-book ČMKU in 1996. Today there are over 400 individuals written there. It means that this is still a small-count breed. Main reason is low public know-how about this wondering and impressive breed. Thanks to the fact, that American bulldogs can be on almost every czech exhibition, we can hope, that their publicity would grow, and these dogs would finally apply themselves also in our country as work dogs or as popular family partners.


Care about American bulldog is quite easy, because these dogs are tough and dogged, they`ve very rugged health, visiting of vet is necessary only for periodic vaccination and getting rid of parasites. These dogs are short-haired so it`s enough if they are brushed once per week, only during a moulting season is better to brush them more often to get rid of an old fur. Self-evident are also periodical supervision of ears and eyes. American bulldogs have large strenght so it is necessary, to get into passing these procedures if they are young, because in adulthood they will accept it willingly.


It`s a dog with ballanced character, indeed with tendencies of dominant behavior, because only big dog with big self-confidence was able to carry on in times, when this breed was engendering. Dominant are mainly males like by other big breeds. That`s why the upbringing of American bulldog have to be consequent from it`s childhood. The dog has to know where is his place in the family and we have to keep him in slave position with affectionate, and also with decisive and consequent proceeding and upbringing.

American bulldog is a hard skeleton fleshed by strong muscles and all of this is directly loaded with energy and activity. That`s why it`s needed to wisely rectify it`s energy. So American bulldog is more suitable for sport based people. His relationship to children is good-natured, tolerant and kind, the only one problem is that slowing down of his huge gladness and energy is sometimes quite difficult. It`s also an untiring partner by children`s games. But also here it`s important, that children with dog might be preventively observed by parrents. American bulldog is very old breed and even now it is more and more popular, it`s still relatively unknown mainly in Europe. Like a national breed it has not enough opportunities to presentate, and that`s why it so slowly informing people about it`s existence. They, who already have an American bulldog, are charmed by his activity and inteligence and they can appreciate his abilities. Unluckily we cannot expect, that this breed would reach the international legalisation, which could bring true attention, which would this ancient breed decidedly deserve.

If you are interested in, call or write to us.